Saturday, July 11, 2009


In the late 1800's, cities were growing at a rapid rate and the political environment underwent tremendous change. Instead of part time, the running of large cities became a full time job for professional politicians. Cities were divided into wards containing smaller precincts. The city political machine was divided into three parts. Party bosses or a county committee ran the party and controlled the politicians. The committee was comprised of politicians and the top office holders within the county. Sometimes, a single leader would control the committee and was called the "party boss". The committee held a lot of power and usually dominated the elections and city government. They had influence with elected officials which included the mayor, judges, and other office holders. Members of the committee controlled government patronage jobs given out to reward loyal party members. They also would demand money from businesses in exchange for government favors. Businesses that cooperated received government contracts, tax relief, and prompt city services. Other firms who refused to contribute, would be harassed by county health and safety inspectors, faced increased tax assessments, and received poor city services. Individuals running illegal enterprises could pay to have police ignore their activities. District captains organized support at neighborhood levels. They directed precinct captains who were responsible for several hundred families. They often assisted with jobs and provided social services for poor constituents. Party loyalists voted and gave financial support in return for jobs and other favors from the bosses and election captains. They were expected to give ten percent of their salary to the party and participate actively in elections. Progressive reformers directed their efforts to halt corruption in city politics. By the beginning of the twentieth century, local governments changed to a civil service system.

By: Paula Poynor


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